Some of our regularly occurring events are described below but check the announcements each week for other upcoming opportunities!
Confirmation is the journey for our 7th and 8th graders of learning and growth in their own faith. Each week they learn about the Old and New Testaments, Martin Luther's Small Catechism, and living a life of faith. We end with a celebration as the confirmation students make promises to God to grow in their faith and to share God's love for a lifetime. We have confirmation classes on Wednesday evenings, September - May.
Mission Trips
We are committed to offer our youth the opportunity to travel and participate in giving back to new communities and make new friends. Each summer we travel to a destination and meet amazing people and do great work. During our trips we learn more about our friends, ourselves, and the new people we meet.
In June of 2017, our youth traveled to Hollis Renewal Center in Kansas City, Kansas for a week of service, growth, and fun! They assisted counselors from Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in leading a day camp for kids grades K-5.
Children’s Ministry
Here at Spirit of Christ we are honored to be a part of a child’s adventure of growing in Christ. Children of all ages are made to feel welcome and learn about just how much God loves them. In addition to a nursery area and Sunday school Spirit of Christ also has a special family area in the sanctuary where children can play while they participate with their family in worship.
Opportunities also exist to assist with worship, be involved with summer day camp, and attend WAPO Bible camp located in Amery Wisconsin.
ELCA Youth Gathering
The ELCA Youth Gathering for high school-age youth takes place every three years and is about faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, service and play. It is an opportunity for youth to engage in worship and fellowship with peers from across the United States and the world who share a common commitment and faith in Christ. Five youth and two chaperones from Spirit of Christ will be going to Houston in 2018. Three additional members of our church will be going to Houston to volunteer with the Gathering's Community Life team. Learn more at the ELCA's website!