Donate to Spirit of Christ Community Church


Give Online

Click the button to the right to donate securely through PayPal using a bank account or credit card. You can use this link to make donations of any amount, either once today or on a recurring schedule (this date every month). If you'd like to donate online but don't want to miss out on placing something in the offering plate each Sunday, we have cards in the pews that say, "I donated online" which you can add to the offering to remember your gift.


If you would prefer to mail in a check, you can send that to:

Spirit of Christ Community Lutheran
5801 Minnetonka Blvd.
St. Louis Park, MN 55416


Support us on Amazon via Amazon Smile

You can also support us effortlessly through Amazon Smile using the link below. Purchasing items through Amazon Smile works just like on the normal Amazon site but 0.5% of qualifying purchases gets donated back to our church. So now you can support the church while you shop for things you were planning to buy anyway!


Thrivent Financial Thrivent Choice® program

Lastly, if you are a Thrivent Financial member please consider supporting us through the Thrivent Choice® program. By directing Choice Dollars® , eligible Thrivent members can recommend which nonprofit organizations they feel should receive charitable grant funding from Thrivent. If you have Choice Dollars available to direct, please consider directing to Spirit of Christ - last year we received $1,296 through the Thrivent Choice® program so thank you to all who participated! To learn more about Thrivent Choice, visit Or call Thrivent at 800-847-4836, and say “Thrivent Choice” when prompted.


However you choose to support us, we thank you so much for your time, effort, and financial gifts toward our ministries! We couldn't do what we do without your support.